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NVIDIA Tegra Android Development Pack 2.0r5


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Tegra Android Developer Pack

Setting up an Android development environment can be a complex and frustrating experience. NVIDIA simplifies this for all Android developers with a single installer that manages this complexity for you.

The Tegra Android Development Pack installs all software tools required to develop for Android on NVIDIA's Tegra platform and is the perfect companion for developing native applications for Tegra DevKits.

This suite of developer tools is targeted at Tegra devices, but will configure a development environment that will work with almost any Android device. This cure for the common cold is available on Windows, OSX, Ubuntu Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Linux 64-bit.


If you install on win8 you should install the driver manually. Please read the file stored in the ${installdir}\Drivers folder like


to get more information.


Development Tools Included:

- NVIDIA Debug Manager for Eclipse

- Android SDK r22.0.5

- Android NDK r8e

- JDK 1.6.0_24

- Cygwin 1.7

- Eclipse 4.3

- CDT 8.2.0

- ADT 22.0.5

- Apache Ant 1.8.2

- NVIDIA Nsight Tegra 1.3 Visual Studio Edition

- Tegra Profiler 1.2

- PerfHUD ES 2.0

- Tegra SDK Samples

- OpenCV for Tegra 2.4.5

- PhysX 3.2

Operations Performed:

- Import Tegra SDK Samples into Eclipse

- Flash Tegra DevKit with the selected Android OS


Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Windows XP (32/64-bit)

Mac OS X 10.6

Ubuntu Linux x64 (v10.10, v11.04)


Download the latest version of Tegra Android Development Pack for Windows, OSX, Ubuntu Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Linux 64-bit, run the installer and enjoy!


Visual Studio based Android Development: Nsight Tegra will be available if you have Visual Studio 2010 installed. Simply launch Visual Studio and create an Android project via the project wizard or import an existing project to get started.

Eclipse based Android Development: NVIDIA Debug Manger for Eclipse will be available if you chose to install Eclipse. Simply launch the TADP version of Eclipse and create an Android project via the project wizard or import an existing project to get started.

CPU Profiling: Refer to the Tegra Profiler documentation.

Graphics/OpenGL ES:  Refer to the PerfHUD ES documentation (from the menu of PerfHUD ES).

Computer Vision: If Google Play is not accessible on you Tegra device, please install the OpenCV_2.4.2_manager.apk and the OpenCV_2.4.2_binary_pack_tegra3.apk files from the folder "NVPACK/OpenCV-2.4.2-Tegra-sdk/apk" manually using the "adb install" command on to your Tegra Android device before running the OpenCV for Tegra sample applications.

To provide feedback, request additional features or report support issues, please send an email to devtools-support@nvidia.com.


The Tegra SDK Sample import into Eclipse may occasionally fail, causing the entire installation to fail. This issue is actively being addressed.  

Under Ubuntu Linux x64 (v10.10, v11.04), with Sun JDK 1.6.02x, Eclipse may crash randomly. The workaround is to disable the C++ indexer under Preferences --> C/C++ --> Indexer.


NDKROOT, JAVA_HOME, CYGWIN_HOME, ANT_HOME will be set and {JAVA_HOME}/bin, {ANT_HOME}/bin, {CYGWIN_HOME}/bin, {ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platform-tools, {ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools will be added to Environment PATH if corresponding components are selected.

There are 2 new demos HDR and Particle upsampling exclusively for Tegra 4.

Instancing tessellation coincidentially runs on Adreno GPU



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